Our work always supports the development of individuals and teams, and creates genuine connection between individual aspirations, job responsibilities, team objectives, and organisational goals. Together, this results in a sustainable performance improvement.
Curvestone is a rapidly growing AI solutions company that has successfully transitioned from small scale development projects to long term corporate engagements.
Dawid Kotur, Curvestone CEO, had this to say about their work with us:
"Everyone who is trying to grow and take their company to the next level should have Jon and Nick at their side. Incredible people with an extraordinary amount of experience, patience, and creativity."
We think people, especially teams of people, can rise to any challenge. If they get the right support.
In sport and business the best performing teams share some common traits. Shared understanding is always high and their performance is rooted in their strengths. They always show appreciation, even under pressure. We aim to create environments that allow our clients to sometimes get things wrong so that they can really get it right.
We love to play. Games bring out the best in us, individually and collectively.
Our most important business challenges are hard, long and complex. We can expect to fail many times before we get things right. We aim to reframe these challenges in ways that promote active learning and adaptation, strengths that we naturally demonstrate when we play games.
We think that execution is a discipline. Strong processes deliver outcomes.
Battle plans prepared for distant outcomes in a fixed version of the future can make fools of the best of us. We aim to translate plans into action by creating engaging processes and supporting behaviour change through to measurable outcomes.
We believe in the power of wild spaces to provide perspective.
It can be all consuming leading a growing business. When the pressure is on we are less able to sense shifts in context and risk becoming fixed in our thinking. We aim to get our clients out in nature to re-establish perspective and develop more adaptable approaches to challenges and problems.
We don't think it's a zero sum game. We think we can all win if we work together.
We know we’re not great at everything and so we work hard to collaborate. We aim to deliver the best outcomes, and that often means putting ego aside. We don't always need to lead engagements, we're happy to play second fiddle and bring in the best people we know.
We enjoy being challenged and made to feel uncomfortable.
We all feel most confident when operating in our ‘comfort zone’ but often do our best work when stretched. We aim to co-create environments that allow us to challenge ourselves and the people we work with. The results are often surprising.
We've had the privilege of working with some amazing groups of people from a wide variety of organisations. We're grateful for their passion & commitment in the pursuit of performance, it makes our work a pleasure.