Three recurring challenges...

What have we learnt launching and scaling technology companies in Europe & Asia? The biggest challenge for everyone is how fast things are changing, and the uncertainty this brings.

The world is not becoming simpler or easier to understand. Quite the opposite. We’re facing unprecedented levels of change. Our ability to adapt rarely keeps pace with the external rate of change, so an opportunity gap emerges.

Unless you can adapt to the pace of change it will kill your growth, kill your team, and kill your exit valuation.

We can help you to meet the three challenges that close the opportunity gap

Leadership & Team Chemistry

In the beginning the founding crew were always in step, all headed in the same direction with the same shared values. But continued success needs the team to grow, and with this expansion comes the risk of cultural dilution. We work with teams to ensure that they can expand at pace but still maintain trust, alignment & urgency.

Sales Proposition, Process & Practice

We get it, replicating those initial sales successes is hard and getting customers to pay for the value you deliver is never easy. But we don’t think sales is magic, we’re firm believers that the best sales outcomes are engineered up front. And the best sales teams work hard on their performance.

Operational Maturity

Rapid growth means that some stuff needs to be put on the back burner. There’s no point over engineering business operations when the priority is keeping those first customers happy. We can help when you reach that point where the pots on the back burner start to boil over, threatening growth, or worse, jeopardising exit.

Our approach...

Our approach is different. We don't charge you to understand your problem, then propose unworkable solutions and leave you to it. We like to start small, move at pace, and deliver maximum impact. We have a three step process that addresses the three recurring challenges; leadership & team chemistry, sales process & practice, and operational maturity.



We start by using performance frameworks from elite sport. We build a picture of individual & team strengths and establish the common language and trust necessary to dig into the problems a team is facing.

This step builds safe connections, promotes the sharing of risk and accurate information, and ensures that the individuals and team know exactly where they're headed.



Next we separate performance from outcome and define a controllable set of performance parameters. These vary depending on the challenge we’re trying to overcome together.

Identifying performance gaps allows us to craft solutions and development programmes that will begin to deliver successful outcomes.



Lastly, we work with teams to establish execution discipline. Too often outside experts propose solutions that look good on paper but fail when put into practice.

We like to stick around and support teams as they close the performance gaps and measure impact.

Meet the team

Pullwood is the result of two brothers who've been lucky enough to work with each other for significant parts of our careers, broken new ground in some crazy places, been part of the journey as some amazing technology and businesses have moved from emergence to maturity, and been privileged to contribute to some extraordinary teams.

We're now trying to make that hard won experience count for something by helping others on their performance journeys.

We’re supported in our work by Joe Laverick - pro-cyclist and writer - who helps us to challenge traditional thinking and translate lessons from elite sports into a business context.

If you’re interested to hear more about our approach to high performance and our free online performance circle, or if you want to join us at our next performance evening we'd love to hear from you.